Friday, February 11, 2011

Diigo Versus Delicious: The battle is on.

Diigo and are both bookmarking tools that help you easily organize and save different websites by using a tagging system.  They also let you retrieve these bookmarked sites no matter which computer you are on, which works great for people like me that use multiple different computers a day.  The way the tools organize, tag, and share seem to be about the same with both tools.  One big difference that I have found, however, is that Diigo seems to have more cools tools besides just tagging.  I love that Diigo has a highlighter, sticky note, and shape maker option and what makes it even cooler is that all the things you do actually stay on the site.  Diigo also lets you archive a site so that if you really liked it you could save it just as it is and you know it will always be there.  I actually created an account with Diigo and applied for the free educators upgrade and received it by the next day.  I haven’t fully investigated all its uses, but I think it would be a really great tool for students who are doing research on the web.  Not only can they take their notes on the web page, but it can also be shared with you so you can actually monitor their progress and give them tips and ideas.  As for I really liked it when I was using it, but now that I have seen all the Diigo can do I will most likely use Diigo full-time (outside of this class) I am amazed at what types of things are out there that I had no idea even existed. 
 I really wish that I was able to download Diigo to my school computer so that I could start tagging, organizing, and sharing my on-line resources TODAY.  At my school our computers are frozen so anytime I download something it disappears the when I shut down.  There have been several times that I have been thinking of an activity and then I have to spend my prep period searching for the darn site that I got the activity or idea from.  I had this tool at school I could tag it (for example  Algebra II GraphingQuadratics worksheet generator) and then I could start compiling my resources and save myself a large amount of time.  This tool would have been great to have last year because I found a really cool math website and now I can’t remember what it was and haven’t been back to in since.  I think I will be getting my IT guy down to my room ASAP so that he can download it for me. 
I really think that I am going to have my Honors Algebra II class do a research project about a famous mathematician of their choice and Diigo would be perfect for them to do this.  I was also thinking of having my Algebra I students doing research on the use of mathematics in the real world.  They could bookmark their sites, tag them, and then take notes using just one tool.  How cool is that?  Diigo is like the modern day notecard method of doing research.


  1. I'd be interested to know what the "educator upgrade" entails for Diigo? Have you used any of the features yet? I agree, it does seem like it might be even more useful than delicious. I was thinking of using it in a very similar way - having students bookmark & tag sites based on a given topic.

  2. I got the educator upgrade too. It allows you to become even more interactive. Diigo can also connect to your delicious bookmarks also, so you can have the best of both worlds really.

    I like how you said that Diigo is like the modern version of the research notecard. I love that idea. I know we can't download on our own so we have the tool bar, but we could ask our tech guy to unfreeze our computers for it. That said, we can still access our bookmarks from the internet so you will never lose a site again :-)

  3. Talking with the tech people about the educational possibilities of some of these tools is a great idea. You'll want to research things like terms of service and capacities and user accounts so you'll be well prepared to answer their questions. Most of them are so overworked that they have enough just to keep up with what is currently running, so if you have some new great idea and can show how it benefits students, having all your research ready for them will really save time.
