Friday, February 4, 2011

Blogs versus Wikis

Like with every battle each opponent has its own strengths and weaknesses.  I think blogs are much safer than wikis.  I know that when I save a post that it will still be there waiting for me the next time I go back to my site even after someone else has commented.  I also think blogs are much more attractive than wikis.  I love that you can change the settings and themes to match your personality.  Blogs are more of a one-sided tool (for those of us control freaks this isn’t so bad).  Blogs unfortunately are not really set up to work collaboratively on something or to easily communicate back in forth.  Wikis, on the other hand, provide a single space where people can provide input and comment back in forth fairly easily.  (I hate the security process of commenting on a blog).  It is also more convenient to read everyone’s thoughts in one place rather than having to read each individual blog post at a time.  Wikis also have spots to organize other tools/sites which is a great convenience.  Unfortunately, this comes at the hefty price that your thoughts and hard work is NOT safe--a price that I am not willing to pay.  It must be the control freak in me!

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